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  1. @nickcharney you probably need BES.
  2. Bautista at bat!! cc: @wendygillis
  3. Trinity Bellwoods looks divine right now from streetcar window. Wish I could stop. Yay spring.
  4. @smithjoanna In small version of pic it looks like you're wearing a giant nickel hat.
  5. Bah! Hilarious. RT @ivortossell: Torontoist's take on the possibility of selling naming rights to subway stations..."
  6. Doug Ford calls the Toronto Star "ruthless"
  7. Basia Bulat at the Great Hall last night. Amazing.
  8. @ElvinEcksLee Thanks Elvin
  9. @ElvinEcksLee Hi Elvin. I'm Amy from the Star. I'd like to chat with you about Oakwood today. I'm at 416 814 2738
  10. @AngieBeemer Hi Angie. I'm Amy from the Star. Can we chat today? I'm at 416 814 2738.
  11. How is it possible that @godaddy still does not have a toll free support line? Do you REALLY expct me to wait on hold on cell long distance?
  12. Now these are some real angry birds. "Snow? Wtf?"
  13. HAH. RT @montesolberg: I have election fever. No wait, I was mistaken. Actually I think I have cholera.
  14. @meghw Newsing in TO. But I'm visiting Ottawa the wkd of April 8. Reunion necessary.
  15. What does Rob Ford do all day? The Star's Daniel Dale (@ddale8) reveals the mayor's secret schedule.
  16. Jealous of friends @so_bell and @meghw. Exciting times to be on the hill.
  17. RT @lizt1: Reporters refuse to let PMO dictate who would get 2 questions allowed. Think take back the pressers movement just...