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  1. @RobSilver @acourtroom A word of caution, son. These are the occasions when you say things you'll regret....
  2. @JohnBairdOWN and to you, pal. Good luck.
  3. A short history of Canadian political dirty tricks on my Facebook page.
  4. @aaronwh B c b C ! C X b P
  5. Arghhhh!
  6. @stphnmaher @CorComm @acoyne Jesus, Stephen, your sanctimony will really be your undoing!
  7. @glen_mcgregor I think you shd put down the glass and go to bed...
  8. @glen_mcgregor You, my son. We shd continue this offline.
  9. @glen_mcgregor Indeed, Glen, it was to that rock steady moral compass to which I was referring....
  10. @Ken_Donnelly Nope. Who else might have benefited?
  11. @glen_mcgregor Sorry not going to help you. When you have done your homework, reflect. Your mother would not be pleased
  12. @ronmckerlie Engaging?!? Bill Davis was Olympic orator. All the old folks muttering, "Where is today's Davis...."
  13. @Tymlee My dear, a valium and a large glass of chardonnay....
  14. @stephen_taylor Pray....
  15. I can't figure out how to share the CBC P&P links, but go to their site. Good debate b/w Scott, Tom, Martin,Evan and me on the closing days
  16. Powers and Brock freak out over polls:
  17. Peter Russell is one of the giants of Canadian Democracy. Listen: via @youtube
  18. @stephen_taylor @acoyne "Man Bites Dog" story of the year!
  19. @aradwanski Perhaps a positive compelling vision that did not sound like a Shopper's Drug Mart ad [Family Paks?!] would have helped
  20. Hilarious! Keep us smiling Scott. @scottfeschuk Dear G-G: Is it possible to prorogue an election? Just curious. Asking for a friend. Steve