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  1. #elxn41 Parker Place Mall in Ricmond is site of Omni and radio 1320 debate from 2-4:00. Will Wai Young show?
  2. #elxn41 CPC candidate Wai Young skips Ross Street Temple event today. Has Harper put her in a bubble?
  3. #elxn41 why are conservative columnists and cpc folks on twitter urging people to vote ndp?
  4. #elxn41 tory candidate says she wouldn't have gone if she knew Malik was there. CPC says different. More trouble with the truth.
  5. #elxn41 Interesting "ethnic strategy" by Harper cons. No extremist is too extreme it seems as long as they vote conservative.
  6. #elxn41 anyone still think this election is boring?
  7. #elxn41 Nanos numbers in BC cpc - 36.4, lpc - 34.1, ndp - 23.8, greens - 4.9
  8. #elxn41 i have met dude in blue during this campaign. Check out "Harper Government 3"
  9. Poll:What's Harper's best quote on health care?
  10. #elxn41 Nanos BC numbers cpc-37.1, lpc - 33.5, ndp - 20.6, greens - 5.7 Let's stop Harper at the rockies.
  11. @warawa @LPCBC @LPC @diamondisinger do you think using "pimp" is appropriate? will your party? #elxn41
  12. Ryan wawara comparing 17 year old to prostitute? Hope he is ready to retract tomorrow. Too much even for harper. #elxn41
  13. @adamgoldenberg @M_Ignatieff Wow, that's more than a week's worth of teens and veterans turned away from Harper events.
  14. #elxn41 democracy stevie update: hates refugees, likes smugglers, hates students, loves guns, hates kittens, loves jets without engines
  15. #elxn41 this campaign is about health care and democracy. Pick a side people.
  16. Con hacks calling young people liars. Stay tuned for response tomorrow. Telling same lie 500 times doesn't make it more true. #elxn41
  17. #elxn41 who do you believe. A 17 year old kid or a mountain of cpc paid spin hacks. My money's on truth, not spin.
  18. Democracy steve kicks out young people, veterans, women...anyone left? #elxn41
  19. #elxn41 Hearing reports young people being denied entrance at democracy stevies event in burnaby. Developing...
  20. #elxn41 The latest cpc anti choice crazy. Hey Steve, can we trust you with a majority?