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  1. Just watching the sleeveless women of #SunTV for the first time; can't wait for the jeb bush ivu.
  2. @marshalederman hey where can I find it ???
  3. @lauriegrahamcbc welcome to
  4. Met some great #canucks superfans for our@CBCTheNational story on sunday. Watch!
  5. @bgreenslade Great to have you! Come back again!
  6. Thick flakes of snow falling near Queen Elizabeth Park.
  7. Looks like some 821,000 people in Vancouver watched the Canucks game on CBC last night. That's an astounding number.
  8. Astonishing: the price of a tear down home (ie: a crack shack) on Vcr's west side is now around 1.3 MILLION DOLLARS !
  9. RCMP officer who tasered an 11 year old in Prince George has less than two years experience: west van investigators.
  10. Rocker and Chilliwack frontman Bill Henderson has written a catchy theme song for Elizabeth May! Listen for it Saturday on @CBCTheNational.
  11. My take on Elizabeth May's chances in Saanich Gulf Islands on Saturday's @CBCTheNational.
  12. Just did a long interview with the Sedin twins about their home life routine during the playoffs. Tonight on @CBCTheNational.
  13. CPC's Gary Lunn found lots of supportive seniors at a Victoria retirement home today. Not much interest in Elizabeth May there. #elxn41
  14. On salt spring island, bc. Elizabeth May signs abound. #elxn41
  15. Just chatting with liberal renee hetherington in saanich gulf islands. Impressive enviro credentials to challenge Elizabeth May #elxn41
  16. BC public health officials have new radiation testing protocol, but appear to believe need will be low. #japan #reactor
  17. To date, of 250,000 arrivals in BC from #Japan since the reactor crisis. Just three showed signs of contamination. None required follow up.
  18. I will! This weekend, mr politico!
  19. Air Can staffer told me Japan-Cda flights are packed - with children. Tokyo families who can get their kids out, are. #japan