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  1. What editorial writers are saying about Monday's election
  2. @edwardtoronto We have never encountered anything remotely like this and all those factors are crucial ,
  3. @EmmMacfarlane this is very exciting , Thanks
  4. @EmmMacfarlane and to be clear I am not predicting a CPC majority . But it isnt impossible by any stretch
  5. @EmmMacfarlane my formal reports have always talked in terms of what is likely and I have reserved right to make final statement , THNX!
  6. @edwardtoronto i didnt say that . I said it wasn't a good bet. I don't think it the likely outcome
  7. @tominwindsor thanks . We shall see who comes close tomorrow.
  8. @ianshelton in our polling they went up sharply and now are just over 40 and the lead, they have risen throughout the campaign steadily
  9. @stribe39 in seeing Nik's evidence I would dismiss my speculation and guess no real impact.
  10. @susannakelley sorry no even overall CMA has a pretty high MOE so it wouldn't make sense to break it out we know the CPC better in 905
  11. Canada's general election: Stephen Harper and that elusive majority | The Economist via @theeconomist
  12. Canada's general election: Stephen Harper and that elusive majority | The... - via @TheEconomist
  13. @kempthead it was suggestive but of marginal significance . Nik Nanos found opposite so I am guessing its not really a factor?
  14. @MacphersonGaz sorry , that only applies to me
  15. @susannakelley about 1200 cases overall 2.9% 39.8 C/26.7L/26.2N/6.3G/.9O