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  1. @bouchecl En effet. Merci d'avoir rectifié le tir.
  2. Québec a toujours aussi été une ville où on ne se gêne pas pour parler vrai. Nuance.
  3. @lisanjutras If I say yes does that tag me as an elite? Old Navy's good too, blush blush
  4. Darcy's just became hip again. May get there after the next confidence crisis.
  5. @lisanjutras Banana Republic?
  6. @SusanFelicity Thank you. We will be maddening sometimes but never on autopilot.
  7. 14 Bloc MPs? Let's just never stop doing seat projections.
  8. So, fight among yourselves, friends. I continue to believe that Canadians will choose a stable national majority something something zzzz
  9. .@Atomic_Walrus other readers are purporting very different results for single-day Nanos....
  10. Annnd blackberry death throes. Use gmail if you wanna reach me, folks.
  11. Somebody tell Nanos the awesome Conservative campaign machine has been tearing away at Layton's credibility for two days.
  12. @kady @shrewsdrool AIEEEEEEE
  13. People, you really can't spend a week in the field any more when you're polling.
  14. Me2 RT @kady: Okay, I would like to see the Canadian Press//Harris Decima poll with full breakdowns and pretty chart now, please. #elxn41