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  1. Canadian dollar dips vs battered greenback, NDP surge eyed - Yahoo! News #elxn41
  2. I'm SO happy for Patrick Chan - he showed the courage of a true champion landing 2 QUADS to win World Figure Skating title!
  3. Watching two enormous eagles circling over Calgary. Supposed to be a good omen - for William & Kate or Stephen Harper? #royals #elxn41
  4. @CTV_Pearl @calgarystampede Unlike yours truly, who just lost the house on my bet. Man In Motion is an inspired choice!
  5. The #NDP's cap & trade will tax consumers for fuel, electricity from coal, industry, mgftrg, etc: #WRP's @ElectDanielle @RutherfordShow
  6. Jack Layton is "duplicitous," #WRP Leader Daniellle Smith said after Layton avoided all mention of his cap & trade plan in Edmonton.#elxn41
  7. The Harpers are personally giving William & Kate "outdoor equipment" for their Jun 30-Jul 8 trip to AB, NWT, PEI, QC & Ottawa. Deet?
  8. @RosieBarton RT @AHal: @acoyne Interesting read: Globe endorses Harper, tells him to ease up. #elxn41
  9. Too bad, so sad for the #Habs.