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  1. 2nd double header game done. Score much more even. Exhausted and sore, but had lots of fun.
  2. First game! Glorious victory! We haven't reached the Mercy Rule yet! 2nd game starts in 10. #buildingmomentum
  3. Good first day back at work after my vacation. Have double-header soccer games tonight. Please no rain. #yeg
  4. @justin_archer soft hands, hard resolve.
  5. After a refreshing month away, it feels great to be back on the job for the hardworking nurses of Alberta!
  6. @abkia Thanks! I've updated the post with the correct Ministry.
  7. Beautiful morning for the Mother's Day Walk. Tones of people at Foote Field. #yeg
  8. New Blog: 1980s MLA Rick Orman joins PC leadership contest #ableg #yeg #yyc
  9. @onedery Senior cabinet minister from 1988. that's a blast from the past.
  10. @MinisterJono @josh_wingrove rumour has it that Benito is announcing late in the race, hoping that support for his bid will mushroom. #ableg
  11. @josh_wingrove I must have missed that. Insight mentioned it. Also I've never listened to CKUA political panel on the radio, only online.
  12. For those who don't remember, Rick Orman was a PC MLA in the 1980s and ran for PC leadership in 1992. #ableg
  13. As someone born after 1980, I only know new PC leadership candidate Rick Orman from the CKUA political panel. #ableg #pcldr
  14. @chrisinyeg they are amazingly delicious, and they make great lattes as well.
  15. Long live The Queen of Tarts. #yeg
  16. Fun time with blogger co-panelists @6Oct and @Jennifer_ck at The Edge of Print conference. Good discussion and Q&A. #yeg