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  1. RT @stphnmaher: If this election were a hockey game, we would be in the last five minutes of the third period.
  2. RT @RobertFife: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford expected to attend Harper rally in Brampton tomorrow night. #elxn41
  3. RT @marcopolis: Cohn: Tories beating Liberals at their own game of ethnic politics (Toronto Star) #elxn41 #ethnicvote
  4. RT @marcopolis: Siddiqui: How Harper is courting South Asians (Toronto Star) #elxn41 #ethnicvote
  5. RT @adamgoldenberg: Spotted at @M_Ignatieff's town hall: Herb Dhaliwal, former #LPC MP & Canada's first Indian-Canadian Cabinet minister.
  6. RT @JusReign: Just swung by Sukh Dhaliwal's campaign office... sadly he wasn't there :( But still... GO SUKH!
  7. Do you like the party-coloured head scarves? #elxn41 #ethnicvote
  8. hmm. RT @HiMYSYeD: Jack Layton on #KhalsaDay Stage. #kdp #NDP #Elxn41 #cdnpoli ---
  9. #nagarkirtan RT @kady: We're now getting a (very much appreciated) explanation of the meaning of Khalsa Day from a female speaker. #kdp
  10. RT @kady: Team Dhalla! A bit outside her riding, but no rule against supporters pushing the boundaries. #kdp
  11. RT @ParmGill: Being interviewed by PTC Punjabi. Getting a chance to talk about issues that matter to Bramptonians.
  12. Watching #cdnpoli coverage in punjabi is like watching Hockey Night in Canada in punjabi - it's the same game.. #elxn41 cc: @IceSinghHNIC
  13. Yudhvir Jaswal ( did good job summarizing #elxn41 platforms, in punjabi. #sstv
  14. RT @kenneyjason: Several more chai parties in Brampton. Starting to feel like a chai walla. Great hospitality! #elxn41
  15. Host discussing Harper's interview with the 'ethnic' media - great breakdown of the issues, in punjabi! #multiculturalism #elxn41 #sstv
  16. Watching campaign coverage on SSTV, the commercials for Brampton-Gore-Malton-Springdale candidates are interesting... #elxn41
  17. @marcopolis thanks for sending this over!
  18. @baldouin definitely, more can and should be done. #firstgenPSE