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  1. Beautiful sunrise earlier on waterfront! Thanks to our #trinspa team for being so many places to meet voters already
  2. Thanks to @Carolyn_Bennett for helping out in Seaton Village today and dropping by hq #trinspa.
  3. "#lpc is fiscally resp. and socially progressive" Chretien - “CDN I grew up in was based on 1 word, equality" Ignatieff
  4. Maybe canvassing in rain is good luck? Just got the largest# of big sign requests ever for a daytime canvass in #trinspa Thanks to all!
  5. Wow what an amazing am at bremner and Queens Quay. Torrential rain, sunshine and huge wind--but warm-hearted #trinspa voters were great!
  6. Huge thanks to Jeremy for organizing youth-music all candidates night at Supermarket in Kensington. Great idea-- be sure tovote! #trinspa
  7. What an inspiring night! Great energy at rally with Michael Ignatieff and Jean Chretien. Go team! #trinspa
  8. My campaign brochures r online - - education, jobs, health care, pensions, families - vote 4 the canada u want #trinspa
  9. ..Oops cold fingers! Didn't finish tweet_
  10. Great morning at Blue Jay Way, Front and Spadina. Thanks to all the frie
  11. Another debate with more great questions from #trinspa voters. Thanks to all who participated.
  12. On air in moments for Rogers Cable Trinity-Spadina All Candidates' Meeting - #trinspa #elxn41 #lpc
  13. Thanks to our team and all the voters at King, Strachan and Shaw this am for their enthusiastic responses on this rainy #trinspa day!
  14. Enjoyed meeting lots of voters at Harbour Sq and Queens Quay. -thanks for taking time to discuss important policies relevant to #trinspa
  15. @hollyweber @chadstory @MeaganTrush @JordanAGlass @uoftliberals @petiterouge @Andrew_PD & many others - thanks 4 Twitter (& canvass) support
  16. Finally a warm spring am. Met lots of voters at Bremner and York with great feedback! Thanks again to all our #trinspa team for your energy
  17. Just finished media avail with @M_Ignatieff and @bobraetoronto in #trinspa. Great questions and even better answers! Off to canvass now.
  18. Transitions-this year my kids organized the annual Easter egg hunt. Thanks guys! Happy Easter!
  19. Great response in all 4 corners of #trinspa today but am outraged by voter intimidation many have faced. Am so sorry you experienced this.
  20. @hollyweber - so sorry you had to experience this but thanks for not succumbing to intimidation.