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  1. @ElizabethMay I enjoyed your post show more than the actual debate.
  2. How did a nonissue like security get into the debate and not a more pressing issue like the internet or municipal reforms? #gpc #elxn41 #db8
  3. It takes a separtist to point out the obvious about health case in canada #db8
  4. I think the next debate should be a musical! #db8 #elxn41
  5. Hey Duceppe how about we integrate the entire population of haiti into quebec #elxn41 #db8
  6. Harper you lost the election too! #elxn41 #db8
  7. Good on Layton for actually reminding the others what the actual question was #elxn41 #db8
  8. @rickmercer calm and cool? more like inept and simply repeating the same thing over and over again. And no respect for berevity #elxn41 #db8
  9. Iggy learn how to pronounce Kenya #db8 #elxn41
  10. @rickmercer not every issue, still waiting on internet, electoral reform and municipal issues. The only ones which matter to me #elxn41 #db8
  11. Layton threw the towel down FTW #db8 #elxn41
  12. Wasting gov't money is wasting gov't money Harper #elxn41 #db8
  13. In terms of public speaking Dueceppe 1 Harper 0 #elxn41
  14. At SFU's great debate party waiting for the main festivities to begin. Will be following both da 4 men and @ElizabethMay on her blog #elxn41
  15. @AnaKasparian You have no idea how many students watch porn in lecture...
  16. I'm voting for the Internet, Cities and Electoral Reform, how about you? #elxn41 #GPC
  17. @pmharper Loaded Question, As a perspective leader of Canada what is your vision for Canadian Society in 2050. Long Response #elxn41