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  1. The Japanese government celebrating Children's Day, May 5th, by dramatically raising radiation exposure limits in schools. #japan #nuclear
  2. Radioactivity in sea water near the Fukushima nuclear power plant is about to hit the highest level recorded in history. #japan
  3. Read the election environmental score card Guess who got an F #pmharper #EMayIn #votemob #Elxn41
  4. Gordon Edwards on Canada AM April 18 at 7:05 re: radioactive contamination, 3-month, nine-month, 10-year, and 30-year plans #japan
  5. Don't worry, the jobs in the nuclear industry won't disappear, there's at least 250,000 years of work sequestering the waste.
  6. @robroc  our party platform report card will out Wednesday you can reach me at 613291688
  7. Quebec gov't bailed out asbestos industry again. Where did Charest misplace his morality?
  8. Green leader canada
  9. Germany's association of utility companies votes to shut down nuclear power by 2020. Canada CANDU it too! #sierra #nonukes
  10. I hope nuclear power is brought up during the leaders debate tonight. Debate on this critical issue is LONG overdue #elxn41 #cdnpoli #sierra
  11. Japan's prime minister is urging the public not to panic. I say be calm wait for the signs. Phase out the nukes now!
  12. Radiation Detected in Drinking Water in 13 More US Cities, Cesium-137 in Vermont Milk
  13. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had been releasing up to 10,000 terabecquerels of radioactive materials per hour marking a level 7 event
  14. Watch for sierra's platform analysis this week!
  15. I just launched a Twitter account - follow me at: @john__bennett