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  1. @sean_dixon No, if I'm understanding correctly, if you tweet results when polls close here, you're revealing info to the west coast.
  2. @FishSauce Why not?
  3. @dkaszor I don't mind him, either, which is why I am so puzzled. Far as I can tell, he is sinking the Liberals.
  4. @maritadachsel That was my question exactly!
  5. @sean_dixon You joking?
  6. I am very curious to see if people will obey the NO ELECTION TWEETS rule.
  7. @nestruck Oh yeah, that.
  8. I know it's an old question but I've never heard a satisfactory answer: Why do people so dislike Michael Ignatieff?
  9. Anyone but Harper: A dissenting endorsement via @globeandmail
  10. @mattfrehner With a helmet on, of course. #bawdyhouse
  11. @fischerville Wow, Ford & Layton meet on a continuum somewhere! Crazy. But interesting point.
  12. On behalf of mon peuple, merci! Et bonne nuit, Twittaire.
  13. My favourite theory so far: most swing voters are in QC, therefore they'll stick w/ NDP bcs Quebeckers are more groovy than the ROC.