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  1. MP printing costs skyrocketed last year. See who spent the most and how your MP compares with others. #elxn41 #ipca
  2. Wonder if P.K Peladeau will out the source on SunTV's Layton story the way he did the source on Its Ignatieff story. #elxn41
  3. @LibArtsAndMinds Thanks. I hadn't realized that.
  4. Several Conservative MPs in danger in Quebec City area as NDP wave washes over city says new poll. #elxn41 #ipca #cpc
  5. U.S secretly questioned Flaherty's forecasts, Harper govts commitment to crime bills say Wikileaks cables #elxn41 #ipca
  6. @billhillier I'm silent because I have spent the last few hours reading them and still have more to read. Watch for a story.
  7. @jasonmerling Quebec is a big battleground and travels of Bloc, CPC, NDP & LPC leaders tells a lot about which of 75 ridings are at play.
  8. @jasonmerling At the outset I weighed the idea of tracking E. May's travel but so much was Saanich it would have been rather repetitive.
  9. New panel added to CAJ conference. Award winning journalist Andrew McIntosh and reporters who broke Bruce Carson story
  10. Party leaders shift tour strategies in the second half of the campaign - story and interactive map #elxn41 #ipca #cv11
  11. Chantal Hébert confirmed as a speaker at the CAJ's annual conference in Ottawa #momentumisbuilding #caj
  12. Early bird deadline for the Canadian Association of Journalists May 13-15 conference in Ottawa extended to May 6 #caj
  13. Frank Graves of Ekos about to go live on to talk about the latest poll numbers. Sign on and ask questions.
  14. Puzzled by the latest poll numbers? Frank Graves of Ekos will do a live chat on @ipoliticsca at 11 a.m ET #elxn41 #cv11
  15. A bit of Easter video fun. Canada's party leaders "Hop to It" #elxn41 #ipca #cdnpoli #cpc #lpc #ndp #bloc #green #cv11
  16. The story behind the NDP's rise in Quebec. "This isn't coming out of nowhere." #ipca #elxn41 #cv11 #cdnpoli #poliqc
  17. @klndk_rd_lryjnz Ottawa Centre.
  18. Went for a walk and realized all signs on public property for everyone other than CPC candidate had disappeared #ipca #elxn41 #democracyfail
  19. @juristblog Interesting point. No leader has gone to Calgary during this campaign - not even Harper #elxn41 #ipca