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  1. Tune in to CBC TV's elxn special when polls close in your region with @RosieBarton at Layton;@lynneatcbc with Duceppe... #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  2. Tune in to CBC TV's elxn special when polls close for @CBCTerry with Harper; @lauriegrahamcbc with Ignatieff ... #elxn4 #cdnpoli
  3. Tune in to CBC Radio's elxn special when polls close in yr regn to hear @ElliottLouise -Harper @alisoncrawford5 -Ignatieff #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  4. Tune in to CBC Radio's elxn special when polls close in your region to hear @cudmorej with Layton; @fitzmoCBC with Duceppe..#elxn41 #cdnpoli
  5. RT @RosieBarton: RT @neilcbc: President Obama has called in White House reporters to make an urgent late-night statement. No details given.
  6. RT @CBCReporters: @kady @rosiebarton @cbcterry & more: Join #cbc political team for our #elxn41 live chat ...
  7. Tune in to CBC TV's elxn special Mon night with @CBCTerry with Harper; @lauriegrahamcbc with Ignatieff ... #elxn4
  8. Tune in to CBC TV's elxn special Mon night with @RosieBarton at Layton;@lynneatcbc at Duceppe... #elxn41
  9. Tune in to CBC Radio's elxn special Mon when polls close in your regn to hear @ElliottLouise -Harper; @alisoncrawford5 -Ignatieff #elxn41
  10. Tune in to CBC Radio's elxn special Monday when polls close in your region to hear @cudmorej with Layton; @fitzmoCBC with Duceppe...#elxn41
  11. A bus with "tap out" scrawled across it is parked up the street. So much for sleeping tonight. #UFC
  12. Royal wedding watchers in the CBC atrium this fine morning. Been there since 5am.
  13. RT @KevinNewman_tv: Anchors & (some) Politicians take a moment: Teleprompter Inventor Hubert J. 'Hub' Schlafly ...
  14. RT @alisoncrawford5: Ignatieff on the topic of pot #elxn41
  15. RT @CBCDay6: Happy to say: Day 6 wins a Gabriel Award for our documentary, "Very Precious Thing"
  16. RT @DerekStoffelCBC: My final story from #Libya airs tomorrow on @CBCDispatches -- 1pm (1:30 NT). Looks at the ...