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  1. Best chances Libs have for pickups in Ontario are these two Kitchener Waterloo ridings.
  2. Don't have the heart to pass on to them the rumour that Star is endorsing NDP tomorrow.
  3. Maybe 700 at big Ignatieff rally in Kitchener. And live music too!
  4. Here in Laval-Les-Iles it's strictly a meet-and-greet with about 50 at local campaign office.
  5. Quick rally of troops and goodbye Ahuntsic. On to Laval-les-Iles.
  6. Ignatieff at quick stop in Montreal riding of Ahuntsic. Their best chance of stealing a seat from the Bloc is here.
  7. Chretien a large Lib TO rally warns right of women and gays could be lost "through the back door" of private members' bills.
  8. If it was Harper, THAT would be a story.
  9. Sorry! Ignatieff not Harper
  10. Harper tells students he would decriminalize but not legalize pot possession. Students applaud.
  11. Ignatieff in Van urges Canadians to rise up in "righteous anger" and vote Lib. Strangely, he says it sotto voce.
  12. Libs release attack ad calling Layton and Harper "career politicians" and "2 sides of the same coin" tweedledum and tweedledee?
  13. And Libs have new NDP attack ad. "Not so fast, Jack.". But they don't look at polls.
  14. Ignatieff in Halifax pivots to takr on Jack Layton. NDP promises "add up. And up. And up.
  15. And David Peterson campaigned in Ontario against free trade in 88. He came to Ottawa. It was the first pol story I covered
  16. On sask preem wall taking on Ignatieff. Premiers do this all the time in elections. Williams in '08 for one
  17. En route from Edmunston to Fredricton snow turns to freezing rain. Would feel better if PM was on bus too
  18. Leaving Riviere du Loup on Harper bus. Snowing. Why couldn't this govt have arranged its defeat in June?
  19. There it is. Crowd loves it. What a surprise.
  20. We're heading into 21st century belongs to Canada windup. Wait for Olympic reference.