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  1. CTV Nanos poll shocker: NDP moves into statistical tie with Liberals for 2nd place. #elxn41 #ctvelxn
  2. @Applelaine strawberries and cream. TEA!!
  3. Starting to feel the pressure of our 10,000th tweet. What should it be? What should we say?
  4. @socialeccentric Agree! And so daunting!
  5. @rachaelmiller00 Thanks! Have a wonderful day!
  6. @socialeccentric I'm close to hitting 10,000th tweet... am already thinking about how to make it meaningful!
  7. @TorontoViewer Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. You totally made me snort laughing with that.
  8. Aw! Cute dog alert! Resources Marie and her dog-loving ways are all mushy and teary right now.
  9. @ChantalLambert1 Ah... Surge of NDP support. Some polls say support for NDP has surpassed Bloc support in the province.
  10. @AdoptAnInukshuk I agree! Would love a mess of house hippos.
  11. @TorontoViewer That's where I went! Was a lot of fun, and lots of people!!
  12. @jackyhood We showed that one in news!!
  13. @ChantalLambert1 Happy to! Which tweet are you refering to?
  14. Oh...I've totally sat at the end of runways to watch planes take off over my head....
  15. @Chumplet Ok...that does sound a bit dangerous....
  16. Talking about Kenyan wildlife - our guest is telling us that hippos are the most dangerous animals in Africa.,,,,But they're so cute!!