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  1. Star's #elxn41 files today from #CPC campaign: Tim Harper (no relation): and Rob Benzie #cdnpoli
  2. @MargaretAtwood thanks. Highly unusual for Prof. Russell.
  3. @AureliaCotta Haven't caught the name, but she's good.
  4. I beg to differ. Man has good ties. RT @marshalederman: Peter Mansbridge confession: "I'm no fashionista." @CBCTheNational
  5. @Brian_Finch My attention is already drifting back in that direction. Nice break, though.
  6. @MargaretAtwood You might enjoy this, and feel free to RT.
  7. I'm not standing for God Save the Queen. I just have to get coffee and stretch. Until the song is over.
  8. Precisely so!! RT @stormbrew: @SusanDelacourt you're "investigating the effects of a coalition government in england on state affairs"
  9. I hope someone mentions ramshackle coalitions here. Then I can call this #elxn41 work. #cdnpoli
  10. I love that Elton John and the Queen seem to be having trouble singing along.
  11. It is nice to see that the royals are punctual. Hint hint #cdnpoli politicians.
  12. @cherylfougere Ditto.
  13. And yes, I am up, watching the royal wedding. Not everything has to be about #elxn41.
  14. @colbycosh I work for the paper he called a shill. If we're talking state-sponsored limits on #cdnpoli expression, Star's not the issue.
  15. @colbycosh Ah yes. It's all about the fiendish plot to clamp down on your right to toss insults here and there. Carry on, as you were.
  16. @acoyne You kind of cheapen your avenue of inquiry by using words like "shill" and "incestuous" about other media outlets.
  17. P.S. This is unusual. Peter Russell says he's never been more worried in his life about Parl. democracy #elxn41
  18. Peter Russell was a hero to me as a poli-sci student 30 yrs ago. Icon now. Here he is on #elxn41: #cdnpoli
  19. Dear @CBCPolitics: The Star's editorial board meeting was yesterday, not today, and on A1. But thanks for noticing . #cdnpoli #elxn41