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  1. Another sign of impending Orange Apocalypse - two Newfoundlanders playing against each other in NHL playoff game Cleary (Det) v Clowe (SJ).
  2. @LibArtsAndMinds they, NL ads, are done I believe by Target a St. John's firm. The ads do capture the appeal of home.
  3. @davidakin - back to the days of Rick Smith and Jamey Heath - JL's staff have been first class with a clear goal in mind - taking out Libs.
  4. @ArmourJim how did we miss this?"@PostmediaNews: Calgary researchers digging into $100,000 grant to research excrement"
  5. @allanhawco when are you going to endorse Gerry Boyle?:)
  6. @scottfeschuk is right @ArmourJim we are very progressive
  7. @CochraneCBCNL @stphnmaher - lots of gossip about potentially changing dynamics in Labrador. Go Peter. New quality person for CPC.
  8. Thinking of my friend and original Layton top guy Jamey Heath who is in NZ. Go back to his book "Dead Centre" its helps explain NDP surge.
  9. Iggy's back to mixed messages. He now wants to be a non-politician yet he tours this week with the politician's politician Jean Chretien :)
  10. Lisa Moore's - "The New Newfoundland" in May's edition of the Walrus is worth a read for those interested. Good to see Steve Lewis mentioned
  11. @_scottreid you probably have that on 8-track tape and the fact the we both know what that is makes us #old
  12. When does MI's line about the election's just begun become old? He has been saying it I think since the debate. The game is almost over.
  13. @montesolberg @whip4life @reutersLjungg - somebody please find the real Monte - next he'll be sleeveless on air:)
  14. @Colettod @gerrynic - wit and wisdom beats stubble anytime:)
  15. The most over-used and too easily applied phrase in this campaign "game-changer."