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  1. @thomsonian Oh god.
  2. Uh oh. Did I die? “@TrendsmapCanada: Chris Tindal, @christindal is now trending in Canada
  3. My dad @DougTindal's letter to the editor in today's Globe regarding their Harper endorsement.
  4. @suezy7 He refused to answer a question about if he'd respect the GG asking another leader to form government, yes?
  5. @RJESchmidt
  6. @RJESchmidt The Q was if he were to be defeated by a vote of non-confidence, would he respect the GG asking another leader to form gvmt.
  7. Call me an alarmist, but when the PM refuses to say if he'd give up power according to the constitution I GET NERVOUS. #elxn41
  8. @onshi Like, is it a real flyer? Appears to be.
  9. @BenjaminCormier I... okay.
  10. @JaysonMcEwen It's divisive politics, playing people ("classes") off each other for votes.
  11. Of course! Those clever so-and-sos. “@MikePMoffatt: @christindal Maybe they're trying to finish 4th so they can get a Senate seat.”
  12. @MikePMoffatt Part of it is *in the riding*.
  13. Finally received an NDP flyer. "Fat cats on Bay get wealthy while we struggle...Vote Working Class." Yikes.
  14. @laurendorphin Oh not you too!
  15. The scandal no one's talking about: WHY WON'T THE #GPC USE CORRECT PUNCTUATION IN THEIR iOS ALERTS.
  16. @shawnmicallef Join us. H8r.
  17. @gduncanclark Well thank god for you. :)
  18. Ok ok ok, I'm sorry, I just caught up so I'm behind on my indignation. Also, I shouldn't tweet angry before brunch.
  19. To avoid bullshit scandals from the distant past, be rabidly pro-police at all times. Simple. Problem solved. #elxn41