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  1. ignatieff, dryden, and chretien at last night's rally in toronto
  2. ignatieff, dryden, and chretien at last night's rally in toronto
  3. ignatieff, dryden, and chretien at last night's rally in toronto
  4. ignatieff, dryden, and chretien at last night's rally in toronto
  5. the master and the student: chretien & ignatieff in toronto last night #cdnpoli #elxn41
  6. @jrichardson2150 he wasn't boring last night.
  7. @jm_mcgrath trudeau served longer, but never won three consecutive majorities.
  8. @NBToryGal did you watch on TV? quite possible that it's different "being there."
  9. @dowbboy stop being so literal...
  10. @VoteCrombie oh yes! habs out! bitter leaf fans (like me) ecstatic!
  11. and yes, finally the new chant: "rise up, rise up!" Iggy finishes. #cdnpoli
  12. "we have to show up on may 2. Pound the ground. Every single call. They're coming into the big red tent. Capture the righteous anger."
  13. Iggy connects big time on story abt 11 year old boy who needs liver transplant. "I'm here to make sure medicare is always here!" #cdnpoli
  14. Jean Chretien & Ken Dryden at Ignatieff speech #cdnpoli
  15. Iggy's on a roll, firing up the crowd in york centre #cdnpoli
  16. "We have to say in the days that remain, what is the canada we want? The cda I grew up in was based on equality." #cdnpoli
  17. Thunder sticks at ignatieff-chretien rally #cdnpoli
  18. Chretien is lapping it all up. Looks happy to be the winningest politician in the room. #cdnpoli
  19. "We've got a pm trying to scare the cdn ppl, bully them. Ppl don't want a bully." #cdnpoli
  20. Iggy going hard after ndp. "It's show time folks. Time to choose a govt." #cdnpoli