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  1. I only need 1 more follower for 100! Lets not leave our candidates 1 vote short - Vote!
  2. If the elxtn was a poker game - we would have called Harpers Bluff by now!
  3. @CamilleLabchuk Relax - no negative thougths allowed this week! :-)
  4. Whiz kid Patrick Muttart leaves Tory campaign after fake Ignatieff photo flap via @globeandmail
  5. @BCGreens Middle Age? that is being awfully kind!
  6. @BCGreens it's backfiring whatever it is - Evryone Asking 'where are the Greens"!
  7. @rickmercer OHHHHHH I Want to be There - but can't - You Go Rick!! A big Kudos to you for the Vote Mob fever ;-)
  8. I’m voting Green because I live in Canada and I CAN! Tell your friends to vote at #whygreen
  9. @CamilleLabchuk that's one big 'swallow' at 1.29 - body language says alot!
  10. Elizabeth May @ 45% - welcome to the 21st Century SGI!