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  1. @canadiancynic hari kari?
  2. Never watched Power and Politics before. The Moose Pasture stock pitches are a riot.
  3. My gut now tells me Layton and Harper will scare Canadians into a Tory majority.
  4. @carolyndunncbc @GerryNic Yea, because it's not over 'til its over.
  5. Too bad Flaherty can't stop the talking points for just a moment or two.
  6. 'Splainin' the Layton massage story to China:
  7. @scottfeschuk I am ready for The Rapture.
  8. @RosieBarton Country too big? There are people working to change that.
  9. Every incumbent in ON safe except maybe 5, according to El Pred Proj. I don't buy it:
  10. EPP now calling for May, Helena loss, 140 Tory wins with 25 TCTC:
  11. @althiaraj Signs of the Apocalypse?
  12. @sunlorrie Then he over-steps himself in his remarks to the Globe. Not unusual for a pollster, I'll concede. Will make interesting post-mort
  13. Nanos says Fri/Sat polling shows massage parlour story backfired: #lxn41