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  1. Victoria Beckham has been on the phone. Thinks she might have left David in the Abbey. The DoE thinks he's probably hiding somewhere.
  2. Nick Clegg on the phone, wanting to know if Mrs Clegg "left her lippy in the downstairs loo".
  3. A chandelier?! How on earth did he end up swinging from a chandelier?! Prince Harry, come down this instant.
  4. One's loaned the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge one's helicopter to fly off for their honeymoon. #generousqueen
  5. Someone get one a cup of tea, a bacon sandwich and a slice of wedding cake.
  6. Approximately 3/4 full of gin, 1/4 full of wedding cake and 100% full of happiness. God Save One.
  7. In celebration of the Royal Wedding, one has ordered one's Keeper of the Gin to reveal the Royal Cocktails recipes:
  8. The King of Tonga wasn't officially invited to this evening's reception but one understands he's been impossible to move on. Loves a party.
  9. Text from the Pope: "Watched the whole thing on TV. You looked A-MAZ-ING. Love, love, love that hat!"
  10. Having a little celebratory gin.
  11. False alarm, it was Mr Cameron looking for a portaloo.
  12. Is that Tony Blair on the lawn?
  13. Right, off to Sandringham with the DoE for a quiet weekend away shortly. Do not trash the palace, Harry.
  14. Someone have Phillip Schofield oiled and sent over here. The Queen of Spain is beside herself with excitement.
  15. Lunch finished. Queen medley coming up. Don't stop one now, one's having such a good time, one's having a ball!
  16. The RAF will now fly onto the continent and fire a few warning shots at France.
  17. OK you lot, out on the balcony. One's people await.
  18. Do not even think about letting Fearne Cotton into the Palace.
  19. One's Keeper of the Gin has knocked up a new 'Royal' cocktail for today: Gin, cranberry juice and lemonade. The Queen of Spain loves it.
  20. One does wish The King of Tonga wouldn't do that.