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  1. Get out and vote today, folks!
  2. It's too important not to....Please Vote tomorrow! C'est trop important...votez s'il vous plaît! #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  3. Many thanks to Celebrity Chef Dave Smith for cooking up a great breakfast for us today!
  4. Final wknd of campaigning - gros merci to everyone for your support this month & always! On May 2, re-elect a good MP/réélisez un bon député
  5. Hoping not to blow away on our canvass this afternoon...stay safe Ottawa South!
  6. I am honoured to be endorsed by the @OttawaCitizen. Je suis honoré d'avoir reçu l'aval du @OttawaCitizen
  7. We're at the corner of Bank and Heron, come wave hello #ottcity. #ottawa
  8. Il nous reste une semaine pis on travail toujours fort! Si vous avez du temps libre, appelez nous au 613-526-9339.
  9. Quick dinner break for our team before we head back out for another canvass. Great weather! #ottcity
  10. My brother dropped in for Easter weekend so I took him canvassing! #ottawa #elxn41
  11. Via @OttawaCitizen: Ottawa-South candidates meet with the editorial board #OTTcity
  12. Only the Liberal Party can protect our treasured universal public health care #elxn41
  13. At #Ottawa South All Candidates Debate...for second time in a row Tory Candidate a No Show .....What do they have to hide ! #elxn41 #OTTcity
  14. #Ottawa South all candidates debate about to get started. Full house! #ottcity
  15. Very much looking forward to this evening's All Candidates Debate. Come on out! #ottawa #elxn41 #ottcity