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  1. Stephen Harper statement expected any minute, stay with @SunNewsNetwork for coverage
  2. To mark Holocaust Remembrance Day, here are three powerful survivor stories: #sunnews
  3. Today's poll: what are your thoughts on Jack Layton's massage misadventure? Come on over and vote! #sunnews
  4. VIDEO: Sun News Exclusive, '96 police report shows Jack Layton found in suspected bawdyhouse
  5. Sun Exclusive, '96 cop report: Jack Layton found in suspected bawdyhouse. Breaking now on Sun News. Watch!
  6. VIDEO: Sun News' @caryn_lieberman speaks with survivors Nancy & Howard Kleinberg in honour of Holocaust Remembrance Day
  7. NASA postpones #Endeavour launch by 48 hours due to technical troubles
  8. In case you missed it (or didn't want to get up that early), we've got video of the full wedding ceremony online.
  9. Ceremonial Fly Past happening now over the palace
  10. The balcony kiss is moments away, tune in now if you're not already watching @SunNewsNetwork
  11. Awaiting the much anticipated balcony kiss and Fly Past
  12. Our resident royal watcher Christina Blizzard just spotted her former hairdresser in the crowd!
  13. Stay with us for live coverage of today's festivities, awaiting the couple's appearance on the palace balcony and the Fly Past
  14. Royal Family enters Buckingham Palace following wedding ceremony
  15. The Canadian government has donated $50, 000 to the Canadian Coast Guard in honour of the Royal Wedding
  16. The Royal couple chose Leicestershire-based cake designer Fiona Cairns to design their wedding cake
  17. The 1902 State Landau will transport the married couple to Buckingham Palace
  18. William and Kate leaving The Abbey en route to Buckingham Palace shortly
  19. Westminster Abbey is considered one of the most important Gothic buildings in London with more than a thousand years of history behind it