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  1. This is cartoon evil, right? This can't be real. This cannot be a real thing. Gotta be performance art.
  2. Thanks, @bobcesca_go -- appreciate your help getting this story out there:
  3. TRMS staff very busy this afternoon squeezing the heck out of a whole bag of artichokes. Gonna be a good show. 9PM ET MSNBC.
  4. In 8th Grade drama club, Maria can still be pretty and witty -- but THAT'S IT, TENNESSEE.
  5. According to @RalstonFlash - Sen. John Ensign is to resign tomorrow.
  6. ... glad you could clear that up, AP.
  7. "A major nuclear accident is statistically extremely unlikely when human error, natural disasters or terror attacks are excluded".
  8. I hereby submit to @Eclectablog my mispronunciation apology! Keep up the ace work on #BentonHarbor and #BigGovtConservatism in MI.
  9. Pic by viewer in NM, headline by TRMS staffer, explains the whole thing:
  10. I'll be on MSNBC this hour (1PM Eastern) with @mitchellreports discussing the President's speech.
  11. WaPo on liberals' worries about President Obama's Wednesday speech: #WeDoBigThingsRight?
  12. The Rachel Maddow Show's ode to the flipcam:
  13. Tonight's show includes @BillMaher and his very choice words for @SenJonKyl - 9PM Eastern MSNBC
  14. Remember that Democratic official in Waukesha County, WI who vouched for the late find of those 14k votes?
  15. Wisconsin breaking out all over: Big protests at WA state capitol --
  16. Cenk Uygur makes the case for liberals pushing Obama much harder than they have been:
  17. Breaking News about the supposed budget deal killed tonight's Cocktail Moment. Did one with the staff instead. #VeryFringeBenefit
  18. For reasons you already suspect, we will be doing a full-blown Cocktail Moment on the show tonight -- MSNBC 9PM Eastern.
  19. Who swoons better? David Brooks writing of Paul Ryan today, "Republicans are aroused," or this NPR headline?