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  1. This is a look at what just a few years in power in Ottawa has done to the character of Mr. Harper's team. Time for a change.
  2. @cpc_giorno Let's get into the details. Of what I said to Mr. Wells yesterday, what does the Conservative party disagree with?
  3. @cpc_giorno He said, to paraphrase, the issue should be addressed -- when we can be sure we will succeed. Are you repudiating JP Blackburn?
  4. @cpc_giorno Only commitment to reopen constitution was from JP Blackburn in 08, promising to do just that if govt ever wins majority.
  5. @cpc_giorno The priority is to replace the Harper govt -- so that economy, health care, environment will be in better hands.
  7. @telfordk Possibly a joke that didn't quite work...
  8. @SpartanVTyranny The whole Liberal campaign pitch is that only they can win. Since this seems not to be true, whole case falls down.
  9. Re Mr. Ignatieff and "amateur hour". Mr. Ignatieff has never run a hot dog stand. The biggest decision in his life: what font to use?
  10. Re Simpson column: "First they ignore you; then they laugh at you; then they attack you; then you win." NDP making excellent progress.
  11. @MarkBrosens mark I've emailed you my contact info all the best bt
  12. Canada lost a great person today. I'll always be grateful for opportunities I had to work with Allan Blakeney.
  13. Intense five days! J.Layton very interesting to work with. Advantage of great debate prep team. Our Harper and Duceppe better than theirs...
  14. Had some fun on Powerplay re "Dr. Jeckle(sp?) Harper" and "Mr. Hyde Harper". Too much of latter reminds voters why this govt worries them.
  15. This is my fourth debate consortium meeting and, so far, the weirdest one yet...