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  1. So when Blitzer said he wasn't going to upstage the president, he went ahead and upstaged the president.
  2. Bin Laden Is Dead, U.S. Official Says
  3. CBS: President's remarks will involve development in the hunt for Osama bin Laden
  4. If this is UFO related... Game changer
  5. Wolf Blitzer -We're not going to upstage the president. It's an announcement to the world
  6. RT @paulvieira RT @keithurbahn: So I'm told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn. #potus
  7. Found naked in a bawdyhouse RT @stphnmaher Bin Laden dead?
  8. @ronindotca 10:30 eastern
  9. Fox news live Obama coverage
  10. Will Obama's surprise announcement impact Canada's election?
  11. Final Nanos: #CPC 37.1, #NDP 31.6, #LPC 20.5 #cdnpoli #elxn41
  12. @stephen_taylor I believe a person fom NS was charged several years back, despite the fact he used a website hosted overseas
  13. how does the use of hashtags apply? Are you guilty by hashtag association? @stephen_taylor
  14. @kempthead I believe Nanos is about to spill the results soon too. Apply my formula for the most accurate prediction available!
  15. @kempthead stop that!
  16. @kempthead 10 per cent up/down for total 20 per cent error
  17. @RayHeard @LizT1 Glen Pearson
  18. Duceppe in danger of losing his seat...?
  19. My rule on pollster seat projections. 20 per cent wiggle room margin of error - 10 up - 10 down. EX: 150 seats = 135-165 seats
  20. RT @niknanos Pollster Done!!!! Release soon.