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  1. His staff say that with his Ottawa office asleep at this hour. Stephen Harper wrote the Osama BL reaction statement himself.
  2. Harper on Osama's death and 24 Cdns killed at WTC on 9/11: "SECURES A MEASURE OF JUSTICE FOR THESE CANADIANS AND THEIR FAMILIES." #cdnpoli
  3. Stephen Harper about to speak on Osama's death. He delayed flight to Calgary to offer comment. #cdnpoli
  4. 1200+ turn out for Harper in Abbotsford. Last rally of campaign. #elxn41
  5. View of Washington State's Mount Baker from Harper's last campaign rally in Abbotsford, B.C. #elxn41
  6. In this case, it's actually a party official that took lead in escorting protester out -- w/ RCMP assisting. Just to be clear. #elxn41
  7. Recall RCMP put out statement few weeks re: how their job was protecting PM - not acting as bouncers. I guess protester was a threat #elxn41
  8. Target: Layton. "If it sounds to be good to be true then it is," Harper says in London, Ont. of NDP campaign. #elxn41
  9. "You're a liar Stephen Harper," protester shouts during London rally. #elxn41
  10. 400+ turn out for 2nd last Harper rally -- at London, Ont. airport #elxn41
  11. Few PEI protesters greet Harper at start of final campaign sprint. 550+ CPC supporters at Stratford, PEI rally #elxn41
  12. Harper will not be taking questions from the media on Sunday, his staff say. Too busy with events in PEI, London and Abbotsford. #elxn41
  13. MacKay is good with a crowd. Curious why he didn't play more visible role in national campaign. Guess he had hands full locally. #elxn41
  14. Peter MacKay, face of the Conservatives in Atlantic Canada, warms up Windsor, N.S. crowd for Harper at 650-strong rally #elxn41
  15. Harper hunting 4 votes in tight Nova Scotia races. Big rally in Kings-Hants, 45 mins from Halifax. Brison won by 6,700 votes in '08 #elxn41
  16. Harper says he's specifically talking about Bob Rae NDP government record in Ontario when he warns of New Democrat dangers #elxn41
  17. Harper asked why he appointed NDP premier Gary Doer to be Canada's ambassador to U.S. if the New Democrat record is so awful. #elxn41
  18. "Shut down the CBC!" audience member at Harper whistle stop says after @CBCTerry tries repeatedly to get answer on post #elxn41 scenario
  19. Harper reaches out to Liberal supporters in wake of NDP rise, saying if they want "moderate" government, please vote Conservative #elxn41
  20. Harper repeats his warning: if I can't win a majority it'll be Ontario's Bob Rae years again as NDP-led coalition rules the roost #elxn41