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  1. Roger Dootson from PCL Construction wins #Construction person of the year award - a true industry leader and Merit board member! #ableg
  2. At the Contractor of the Year Awards with Venture Publishing and Merit Contractors Association. Amazing construction industry in AB! #ableg
  3. @farahSpeakers awesome morning today! Another great speaker 4 u. Also running for Alberta Premier! @GriffMLA
  4. Completely agree! RT @todmaffin: Best. Slide. Ever. Bruce Kirkby FTW! #showcase11 #pcaa
  5. Job #1 for the #CBE RT @joe_bower: How Red Deer Public Schools keeps Admin costs low #reddeer #abed #ableg #yyc
  6. @QMorky @WildroseCaucus @ElectDanielle Jack knows, but it plays well as opposition politics. Burden of proof nil. U know that #ableg
  7. @staceybrotzel liked your tweet! The word "balls" is most amusing in politics. Great theatre!
  8. Ignore the bozos and fear is a compass - I love it! #showcase11
  9. @speakers_dot gave me a great morening! Well done! #showcase11
  10. @todmaffin giving a great presentation about my favorite topics - digital marketing and HR #showcase11
  11. @todmaffin talking about digital marketing strategies - great topic and energy #showcase11
  12. Piers Steel explaining the procrastination equation - if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done! #showcase11
  13. Piers Steel about to start - I'll get to the rest of the tweet later! #showcase11
  14. David Preston not only entertaining, but he has fabulous shoes! Talking about a differentiated customer service experience #showcase11 #yyc
  15. Preston Manning giving the audience a life time of experience as a speaker in funny short stories and anecdotes #showcase11 #yyc
  16. Manning - audiences respond to analogies and stories that connect to your message - great strength of @GriffMLA as #pcldr #showcase11
  17. Preston Manning to kick off the Speakers Spotlight event in #yyc - wise words coming from a #canadian political icon! #Showcase11
  18. RT @Imparo: Big Sky Summit-Presentation by Doug Griffiths ( @GriffMLA ) Pt1. #13ways #ableg #pcldr #pcaa
  19. RT @Imparo: Watching: Big Sky Summit-Presentation by Doug Griffiths ( @GriffMLA ) #13ways #ableg #pcldr #pcaa
  20. RT @jabber94: AB Gov passes 7 bills in 2 hrs b/c no opposition in attendance. Great representation #ablib #ndp #wrp. #ableg #pcaa