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  1. RT @Briganto: All legitimate physiotherapy establishments are open at 1:30am. Didn't you know that?
  2. Audit! RT @gallaghers: Paid sex would be Layton's private biz but since this's a legit massage it's probably covered by city benefits?
  3. RT @nspector4: Until tonight, media have shown true professionalism in their extensive coverage of "busty hookers" and "escorts" #elxn41
  4. RT @colbycosh: MASTURGATE.
  5. Consensus media: Naked Jack Layton? Nothing to see here. Naked arms? Skank TV! #MediaParty #cdnpoli #elxn41 @katewerk
  6. Ouch! RT @TheIggyot: I sure hope this means Jack won’t shut down the massage oil sands. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  7. Rise up, Canada! RT @TraceyKent: Only a majority will require Ezra levant to never again don a Judo outfit #elxn41
  8. Great! Good investigative journalism RT @TLChicken: @ezralevant how did @karstenerzinger do?
  9. Do you think @M_Ignatieff secretly wants to lose his seat now, like Kim Campbell did? #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  10. Liberals at 18%. No worries. As @KarenMock knows, that's considered a lucky number for Jewish voters!
  11. RT @damianpenny: Libs at 18%. The Kim Campbell PCs won 16%. MT @globalmaritimes Liberal support drops to historic lows: #ipsosreid #elxn41
  12. We can triple oilsands to 5 mbd, which would be about half of US imports RT @RichardFantin: ethical oil is only around 2.5 mbd?
  13. You obviously didn't watch the whole show RT @EyeCrazy: @ezralevant How come no mention of Libby Davies 9-11 conspiracy craziness?
  14. Duh. That's a Workers Comp disaster RT @jafrazworth: What's the next attention seeking act? Is Kory going to give you a piggy back?
  15. It's my hair, right? RT @amandamarie403: Forget @justinbieber, I think I'm in love with @ezralevant
  16. I've never met you, and I hope I never do. RT @brundle_fly: just had lunch with Ezra, stuck me with the tab. #stalker
  17. RT @Endroiteligne: Je serai avec Ezra a Sun News a 17h30 pour parler de ce que le NPD propose aux Québécois. Au Videotron 79
  18. RT @RobBreakenridge: @tennantb Layton not discussing oilsands AND takes no questions from the media for the 2nd time in #yeg? #elxn41
  19. That "accidentally" happens four or five times a day RT @_scottreid: Your gi is open again Ezra RT .@ezralevant: Rise up! Rise up Canada!
  20. Rise up! Rise up Canada! RT @scottfeschuk: That Cialis guy actually doesn't look all that great.