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  1. RT @JamesWoodSP: I live in Sask. My brother in Que. Kind of weird that he now lives in the NDP hotbed.
  2. I feel kinda sorry for my friend @alagacedowson who worked her ass off for the NDP in 2008 but missed the wave.
  3. Quand ca swing....
  4. The Bloc only has a firm hold on ONE SEAT.
  5. @HaywardCBC I really should stop repeating myself. At least we'll have a good story to cover for the next 3 or 4 years.
  6. RT @HaywardCBC: @perreaux I say again. Separatist perfect storm.
  7. And no Bloc outlet for griping.
  8. So with next Que elxn, we'll have a 2-year-old CPC maj govt @ 19 % and 7 Que MPs. And a zillion orange newbies runnin around. Wow.
  9. Josée Verner in big trouble. André Arthur, too.
  10. Cannon is gone.
  11. I'm going to guess Duceppe will quit tonight. Will Ignatieff?
  12. The West Island is orange.
  13. Rosemont, Hochelaga and, of course, Laurier-Ste-Marie.
  14. While we were all looking at Larry Smith and Francis Scarpaleggia the NDP guy is now ahead.
  15. I believe he may be happy to let 'er go. RT @RosieBarton: Duceppe may also lose his seat. #elxn41
  16. Are we going to end up with a two-party system tonight?
  17. TVA reporters are beside themselves.
  18. Even Maxime Bernier is going to be touch-and-go to get past 50%.
  19. Elections Canada is going to need a bigger jail.
  20. Is it just me or is there a pile o' civil disobedience going on around here? To the point of being throttled.