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  1. Means we have a long night ahead RT @RosieBarton: So this is something: #elxn41
  2. So this is something: #elxn41
  3. cUTERT @kimfox: More #elxn41 prep: @kady inside radio studio. Catch her on-air and on our live chat tomorrow night
  4. I realized @KarlBelanger is wearing jeans today. It really must be the last day @elxn41
  5. @JaysonMcEwen Ok. Maybe tone it down a bit. People were nice to me at a rally. Not sure I care for you swearing about it.
  6. Lots of friendly peeps in Kingston! We will pause for lunch and head to the "shwa". #elxn41
  7. You too!! RT @NailaJ: Great to finally meet @RosieBarton :)
  8. @MLaberee No. That was Burnaby or Mtl.
  9. Student supporter says "He's so cute" When I say, What? She gets angry. #elxn41
  10. This supporter not so interested in Layton's speech. #elxn41
  11. Layton comes outside to give another speech for the people on the street. #elxn41
  12. Kingston street closed down for Layton. #elxn41
  13. Layton, let's not waste time with more speeches. Let's get people out there to the polls. End scene. #elxn41
  14. @mikelondoncan Yes. Pretty much.
  15. Layton says he'll roll up his sleeves with a much much larger team and get to work on Tuesday. #elxn41
  16. Layton: asking everyone to consider, do you have a choice? Yes, you do. #elxn41
  17. These people cud not get into riding office. #elxn41
  18. Meanwhile, this riding office is tiny. And hot. #elxn41
  19. Oh, what a shock Layton is talking of winds of change. (I'm cynical, I know). #elxn41