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  1. Campaign operations suspended for Good Friday. A day more appropriate for family and faith than politics. My best to all! #windsor #elxn41
  2. Great event with @jacklayton in Essex this morning, focusing on needs of rural families. Demand for real change mounting nationwide! #exln41
  3. Still cold in #windsor. Mitigating factor: constituent hearts remain warm. It balances out. #elxn41
  4. Weather in #windsor continues to move backwards. Heavy snow this AM. Time to draw into deepest well of canvassing grit & stamina. #elxn41
  5. At Chamber of Commerce #db8 with allies & rivals. Tune in & hear regional candidates on local issues. Live on CKLW now:
  6. Extremely positive canvassing East #Windsor & Forest Glade yesterday. Glad to see @jacklayton sustain his impressive performance in Fr. #db8
  7. Watch leaders debate our nation's future at 7 PM on CPAC/CBC/CTV! Or step back and recall how we got here: #db8 #elxn41
  8. Strongly encourage all to read 2011 #NDP platform. A balanced, fully-costed document which addresses needs of families.
  9. April showers bring... soaking campaigning. Brief reprise yesterday. In lieu of building an Ark, back to #windsor's indoor political arena!
  10. @revykevy But, hey, if I had Stephen Harper's deplorable record on ethics, leadership and the economy, I'd hide in a protective bubble too!
  11. @lolo1918 Obviously, twtr is a difficult place to have such a substantive discussion. Would love to continue offline at some point. Best, J
  12. @lolo1918 For me, 3 initiatives are most critical: 1: closing the education gap. 2: promoting entrepreneurship. 3: opening political process
  13. @revykevy What's my view? Real leaders don't cower in fear from the very people they seek to lead.
  14. @lolo1918 The plight of first nations - amidst the broad prosperity of Can. society - is a moral disgrace. Would love to hear your ideas too
  15. @lolo1918 I have not yet had the privilege. Will make every effort. Will work with all parties to expand opportunity for Aboriginal youth.
  16. Great reception at #windsor 's Lion's Manor and Solidarity Towers. Inspiring to see so many supporters but disconcerted by apathy. #elxn41
  17. Great morning/afternoon canvassing inside, due to inclement weather in #windsor. Towers, here I come! #elxn41
  18. @Mark_Goldberg Final word: don't think there'd be much forcing about it. #ubb has provoked perhaps Canada's largest-ever digital uprising.
  19. @Mark_Goldberg @ohcanadian No new law is required. Min. of Industry has the power by order-in-council to end abusive #ubb practice today.
  20. @Mark_Goldberg Consumer choice dictates fair pricing. Ending #ubb a critical step towards vigorous, innovative Canadian internet marketplace