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  1. I'm in Somalia. Terrible drought here, lots of malnutrition, especially in the south -- and not much humanitarian access.
  2. RT @PixelProject We review @NickKristof and Sheryl WuDunn's book, "Half the Sky"
  3. Is it absolutely confirmed that @wxhch64 , Hua Chunhui, is in labor camp? Anybody know the sentence?
  4. Thanks & appendix has ideas RT @SerenaCooper1 Just finished reading 'Half the Sky', unbelievable, i feel compelled to do something
  5. One of America's worst human rights problems is human trafficking of girls. My column:
  6. A condolence page for the awesome photographer Tim Hetherington, slain in Libya:
  7. After 10 days in China, 1 thing that surprises me is how many party officials criticize Hu Jintao, say he wasted a decade.
  8. In China, i visited a billionaire's house that exemplified China's progress--and the income gap. This was perhaps nicer than any home in US.
  9. Human trafficking exists not only in India, but also in the US. My column:
  10. President Saleh of Yemen agrees to step down, with conditions. People power triumphs--so far.
  11. CNN's @AmberLyon on the arrest & torture of doctors by our ally, #Bahrain: King Hamad, any shame?
  12. Maybe the best & most readable book about Sudan is the new "Fighting for Darfur," by @BecHamilton
  13. A tribute to the Chinese news assistants who are critical to Western reporting about China:
  14. Libyans march in honor of slain photographer Tim Hetherington, pay tribute to him:
  15. A critical take on my column about @GregMortenson:
  16. They say our plane will take off for Beijing in a few minutes. Maybe it was weather, unless somebody has a better theory.
  17. Anything strange going on? Is it really weather?
  18. My flight from Guilin to Beijing was just diverted to Zhengzhou, supposedly because of BJ weather. Hm.