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  1. Driving around with the kids today playing an eye-spy game called "Halloween costume or fashion disaster".
  2. @krismausser I've been a huge OmniFocus fan since early betas however I hear good thinks about TaskPaper & Both Mac & iPhone.
  3. Feeling helpless sitting in the waiting room while my 7YO gets her first tooth filling. Another tough parenting milestone.
  4. I drove past the local Catholic high school today and it would seem that "slutty whatever" is a very popular costume choice this year.
  5. About to see Romeo & Juliet. Seated just above the stage right vomitory. . @ National Arts Centre - Theatre
  6. I'm going to a Meetup with Third Tuesday Ottawa!
  7. @krismausser only nominated at the moment. The photo is for the nominee slides as the beginning of the presentations. Very serious stuff ;-)
  8. Getting my photo taken for an employee award. #keener
  9. Leaving the polling station after fulfilling my civic duty. #ottvote
  10. At a content strategy presentation about Managing Content In A Multi-Stakeholder Environment. (@ ARC Lounge.Dining)
  11. @sonsey agreed.
  12. @sonsey I don't use MT but I have heard a lot of grumbling lately. Sadly all hosts have their issues. We use Primus & they are terrible.
  13. @sonsey which one are you using right now?
  14. I'm at Milestones (The Market) in Ottawa
  15. Just got a call from my bank. Looks like someone skimmed my ATM card and my PIN and tried to clear out my account today. Not cool.