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  1. Thanks! And I love @theonion RT @totallymorgan: @AlbertBrooks I finished your book. Solid.
  2. Just flew in from the Royal Wedding and boy are my arms Jewish.
  3. @dave1pop1 #Thank"s
  4. Steve Jobs just texted me suggesting I take shorter showers and change underwear more often. #HeAintHeavyHe'sMyBigBrother
  5. @timcarvell Very good reference. Thanks!
  6. Trump promises if elected president he will drop F-bomb on China.
  7. News Flash: Groundhog beaten to a pulp. Six more weeks of violence.
  8. "Hey what about that wedding. Hey what about those birthers. Hey what about Trumps hair." My impression of Bob Hope on Twitter.
  9. I installed a stripper pole outside my house. Haven't caught one yet.
  10. This morning my son asked me if I was spanked as a kid. I told him I didn't really get into it until I was 30.
  11. Asked my doctor "If your ears are burning does that mean someone's talking about you?" He said "In many cases, but you have V.D."
  12. @lmlox Actually that's making fun of bitterness. It has nothing to do with the disease.
  13. Did you ever google someone you really hate and put "cancer" after their name just to see if it comes up?
  14. @cardigansrule I was leasing.
  15. Terrible nightmare last night. Dreamt that Hitler came back and my German Shepard turned me in.
  16. @germanloero Thank you. Greetings to you too.
  17. @stevemartintogo Thanks! Stole it from Gallagher.
  18. I have a really funny tweet for tomorrow. Just getting all the letters together now.
  19. That's terrific. Thank you! RT @jjk007: @AlbertBrooks Did I mention I loved your novel?
  20. @mrcraigbierko At 66,666 the world will end. Seriously.