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  1. First in line at the voting station..and just an hr. Til it opens!
  2. Quebec city! Who would have guessed Conservative voters would be SO easy to find
  3. @NeueWelle yah..sorry about the typos there!..and even now with one more coffee and a political speech..I am ready! Cue the tunes!
  4. Nine a.m. Wednesday.. . Frankly it is too early to listen to The Cowboys Friglants
  5. Day 4.. election bus. The Bloc won't heat the bus more than bare minimum..won't let it idle. Good for the enviroment..hard on the reporters!
  6. Real political theatre..duceppe knows how to play to a crowd and score voter points at the same time.#elxn41 #cv11
  7. Early sunday morn..headed to Laval, Quebec for a Bloc candidate investiture. Then the REAL race..Papineau. Good fun