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  1. Not sure I agree that laws are the answer, but well-thought op-ed from @HRW's Kenneth Roth on social media/free speech
  2. @southsouth lulz!
  3. @arabisin In other news, I'm five.
  4. @arabisin You have no idea how tempting it is to intentionally photograph icky things then see what FB will think is a face...
  5. I love what Facebook's image uploader catches as "faces" in the tagging functionality....
  6. @AJstream Uh, @Deanofcomedy was following me and I wasn't following back. I feel flattered and ashamed all at once!
  7. @avinunu That is quite the facial expression on that cat!
  8. @arabisin I live to serve.
  9. @theurv Yeah, but would @arabisin really go for a plain ol' headshot? Love the new one, really.
  10. @susannahvila I'm superpowered, didn't you hear?
  11. @manal @alaa HUGE congratulations to both of you! :)
  12. @susannahvila What would be good is an updated map (we had one a few years ago). I'll get on that ;)
  13. @susannahvila That said, @OpenNet has tracked this for years, and SmartFilter seems most prevalent. Unfortunately, it's always changing.
  14. @susannahvila Have heard, but don't know gov ex of its use. I've really only looked in-depth to MENA on this subject (so far).
  15. My latest for @AJEnglish: "Policing content on social media sites" --
  16. @arabisin Because it's a weird angle. You need a head-on shot, Mr. big time producer.
  17. @arabisin Also, I probably told you this before, but you need a different Twitter avatar. Desperately.