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  1. Quick power walk before the sun sets all the way. I love lighter later days! (@ Coquitlam River Trail)
  2. I just unlocked the "4sqDay 2011" badge on @foursquare!
  3. I favorited a @YouTube video The Power of Words
  4. ManageFlitter is a useful tool for managing who you follow on Twitter. I just went Pro!
  5. Check out my Social Media Content Workshop "But What Can I Say?" @GVPTATheatre May 9, 11:30-1:30
  6. @gowestgroup Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed my presentation and to have to you as a new Twitter tweep.
  7. @JUHLiSELBy Thanks, JUHLi! Any day I'm called awesome is awesome. See you soon.
  8. The 5 Dangerous Realities of Social Media for Business - [Jay, @JayBaer, is bang on here.]
  9. Super fab social media maven (and my pal) @rebeccacoleman and her 30-Day Social Media Challenge!
  10. Great company to be in! RT @harrietglynn: BC social media ladies #FF @rebeccacoleman @raincoaster @allisonmmarkin @AngelaCrocker @KimPlumley
  11. Recording an interview with Bob @Andelman aka Mr. Media. Lots of laughs so far.
  12. @pomomama Super tip! Next time I'm jewelry shopping I'll have to ask you to make me some seashell bling for my collection.
  13. @BrightKeyInc I couldn't agree more, Brigette. Networking is key to successful marketing.
  14. Asking my @DouglasCollege students: "What have you already done to market your new business?" Please add a suggestion.
  15. [Beachcomber] 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report - Issue 24
  16. Find your target market online & offline, then engage them with conversation not sales jargon. Via @creative_artery
  17. @Scobleizer Buy me! My stock is ACBC on @empireave @dups
  18. Go-go gadget, Rebecca! Fab plan! RT @rebeccacoleman: Take Rebecca Coleman's 30-Day Social Media Challenge [WWD
  19. @RobCottingham Bunny-hug or pullover?
  20. @tpholmes Oops! I got @NorthernVoice dates mixed up with Make Web Not War this morning. Your soccer plans are safe. Sorry about that, Paul.