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  1. Okay, can we all get off Henrik's back now - including me. For at least a game #canucks
  2. I'm thankful Jack didn't win a majority or else he'd still be talking tomorrow #elxn41
  3. Oh, my God Jack give it a rest. People have to go to sleep. #elxn41
  4. @scottfeschuk their bios can be found on Poker
  5. Jack's going on too long, rambling. I realize this is his moment in the sun but he's milking it too long #elxn41
  6. Congratulations Liz May. Amazing #elxn41
  7. Duceppe steps down. Or did he do this hours ago and I'm just seeing the replay? #elxn41
  8. @rodmickleburgh what did you say for the Liberals thought? #elxn41
  9. Is Justin Trudeau the next leader of the fed Libs? If there is a fed Lib party after the smoke clears #elxn41
  10. I predict BC NDP leader Adrian Dix will have a moustache by the end of the month #elxn41
  11. Why does the celebration by citizens outside White House remind me of the Wizard of Oz? "Hey, ho, the witch is dead ..." #binladen
  12. @davebrindleshow yeah. But wealthy Pakistani enclave #binladen
  13. Just checked other major networks for their bin landen coverage. D Trump on NBC .. In celebrity apprentice. Pathetic #binladen
  14. How long will it be before someone says: Bin laden "wanted to be caught." How else to explain hanging out in the burbs? #binladen
  15. Hip hip hurray for the Navy Seals. #binladen
  16. Still masterful performance by Obama under the circumstances. #binladen
  17. Further to speech. Sounds like Obama knew this might happen so speech writers put on high alert. Bet drafts started last week #binladen
  18. Will Bin Laden's death hurt "Taliban Jack's" electoral chances? Think he's lucky it happened when it did. #binladen
  19. My sources saying CIA operative posed as a Panago delivery person. Little Ceasars says that's not true. #binladen
  20. I wish I believed this signals the end of America's problems with Muslim extremists. Unfortunately I don't #binladen