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  1. @chile_pepper: <3
  2. tomorrow morning in #montreal: say #byebyeharper on his campaign visit to la belle province. #elxn41. join us & RT.
  3. youth engagement rocks! @MyDSU members making signs for tomorruw's spontaneous #byebyeharper party in montréal. #elxn41.
  4. @monique_muise: some folks are throwing harpo a farewell party during his visit to mtl tomorrow morning. whom do you suggest we contact?
  5. @MickCote: yup.
  6. harpo will be in Montreal on friday. I wanna throw him a surprise going away party. anybody want in? #elxn41.
  7. concerned about the lack of experience of #NDP hopefuls? it's the house of 'commons', yo. no party has, can or should run 308 stars. #elxn41
  8. bang on. RT @kady: The electorate! RT @MikePMoffatt: Serious Q: Who should the Globe have endorsed? #elxn41
  9. @globeandmail: #fail.
  10. RT @NoLore: Online voting? Lets attack the symptom of youth disengagement before changing our voting system. #elxn41
  11. RT @ianboyko: 1 in 3 retirees from wealthiest generation are in debt. What's in store for us?
  12. no need for texting when neighbours are watching the game. i'll keep my head burring now. #habs.
  13. one goal down and ten minutes to play? this is when i tune out. somebody text me in the morning. or something. #habs.
  14. congratulations to your concordia. now back to work. all of you. #csu2011.
  15. days like today make me realize how much more productive i'd be if i had my own office. #workingfromhome, #crunchtime.
  16. time for @csuconcordia exec to prove it's actually upset about #csu2011 DQ. call a special council meeting. get 4/5th to overturn. move on.
  17. @Titty_pc: KICK HER IN THE FACE!
  18. @ravipjoshi, @terrystob, @son_flowers, @bradleyjayhigh, @YellowknifeNDP: thanks/merci for the retweet. #NDP, #elxn41.
  19. @BinaBecker, @pfthurley, @notwesternland, @ArianeHache, @sarahgm, @scottdagostino: thanks/merci for the retweet. #ndp, #elxn41.
  20. @JRob_Noey: you live in montréal. even if strategic voting made ANY sense you could always vote with your <3. #elxn41.