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  1. Romeo Saganash won in Northern Quebec's Abitibi riding after the Bloc candidate said an Aboriginal couldn't win. #eat_it_racist
  2. Steven Segal is taking credit for Layton's knockout of the Bloc tonight. High five if you got that lame #mma joke
  3. LOL RT @tim_co_op: RT @DrTwittenheimer: CBC projects the demise of the CBC. #elxn41 #fb
  4. Ignatieff loses his seat
  5. Does the centrist party need to reexamine itself? Or is the centre gone from Canadian politics?
  6. Layton has a chance to make a "kill shot" for the Liberal party with his speech tonight says @acoyne
  7. Elizabeth May wins her seat. First win for the Green party
  8. Duceppe resigns says others will follow until Quebec becomes a country. Right, or until they lose those last 2 seats
  9. Bob Rae says discussion about an NDP - Liberal merger is a discussion that should happen out in the open
  10. "Finally we'll be able to get things done" - Jason Kenney
  11. Ignatieff now losing by 1900 votes in his own riding
  12. So many burns springing to mind during Ignatieff's speech... But it just seems mean to say em outloud
  13. CBC projects Conservative majority. Crowd cheering for him in Alberta
  14. Conservative Majority
  15. Ignatieff is trailing by 1000 votes in his own riding after 1/3rd of the votes are counted
  16. Wow, Elizabeth May is barely even bitter at all about excluded from the debates #haha
  17. @jahreetah that's what I'm sayin