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  1. Listening to @stevenjayl talk about the internal cultures of Google, Apple & Twitter.
  2. Can y'all help me start an urban legend that dry-erase dust is HIGHLY carcinogenic? "White Boards, Black Lungs", picture the headlines
  3. @goodbond ha!
  4. @goodbond weird bug- glad it finally got through. Nice use of the @ mention for @johnhuntsmanjr - you're becoming a pro twitterer!
  5. @trammell @jonwurster true, tho I do love the part where a DM kills his whole party after 100s of hours of play 4 opening a door incorrectly
  6. a 1981 tech demo in which Leonard Nimoy discusses LaserDisc technology with an intelligent crystal: /cc: @shinypb
  7. @goodbond what happened when you tried to follow Jon Huntsman, btw?
  8. @goodbond we must tweak the al-gore-rithm immediately!
  9. @goldman clear caches, clear cookies, can't tweet
  10. @jamis what an awesome dad!!
  11. @ded awesome coiffe! takes after his daddeh
  12. Cold caches, warm hearts.
  13. @mginnard won't know until I get a shave and a haircut, I reckon!
  14. Ye Olde (new) Barber Shop, where gentlebros go for mustache waxing and sundry coiffure adjustm @ 18th & Valencia
  15. @flight404 narrow stall < wide stance
  16. @ded congrats Justin!
  17. @goodbond thanks daddaroo! O appreciate you guys keeping the tC from rusting.