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  1. Happy Easter
  2. Dropped puck at World Sledge Hockey bronze medal game in Challenge event. Canada goes for gold this aftn!
  3. Run to support London Abused Womens Centre. Good turnout and fun run.
  4. Earth Day. Last weekend we had our 5th Think Global Act Local, enviro forum at White Oaks Mall, 50 exhibitors, save $ and environment
  5. Impressive effort as Ont Public Service gathers food for Food Bank. Premiers thanks all
  6. Chaired Meeting of Nat Aboriginal Leaders, Prov Terr Ministers. Agreed steps to address education, economy, murdered missing women, girls
  7. @iMatterMarchLdn .... So please let me know when
  8. @iMatterMarchLdn just finished our Think Global Act Local enviro conference and Earth Day tree planting. Spoke with youth at both.
  9. Earth Day tree planting with Khalil Ramal and Steve Sauder. Snowing!
  10. Bob FM at Think Global Act Local enviro forum. Khalil Ramal and I discussed climat change with Gordon McBean-Nobel Prize winner.
  11. Great day at Think Global Act Local with Khalil Ramal and 50 exhibitors. All letting Londoners know how to save environment and $. Thanks.
  12. Think Global Act Local-5th Annual environmental forum at White Oaks mall London today-save energy and money
  13. @FawnPinziinRMVT Digital Extremes one of Best employers last year-one of factors is pay- these are well paying jobs!
  14. Digital Extremes receives $2.5 million from Prov to support a $35 m investment for jobs. 3 world best selling games in last 5 years
  15. First in Canada, Ontario sets up provincewide network of support for male sex abuse victims. Mens Project of Ottawa receives funding.
  16. @aaron_robb yes
  17. Central Tech speech on law day about making a difference thru justice careers. Law Day celebrates Charter of Rights
  18. Ontario launches first ever comprehensive province-wide supports for male sex abuse survivors, $2.2 Million. Mens Project Ottawa supported.
  19. Attended National Chief Atleo,s speech at the Canadian Club. He called on all Federal parties to make First Nations issues a priority.