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  1. Good debate w @acoyne. We disagree on AV/FPTP mostly because we have a different hierarchy of priorities re the purpose of electoral reform.
  2. @acoyne I concede that designing a perfect system from scratch unlikely to yield FPTP; but we're not designing a system from scratch.
  3. @acoyne FPTP=easier to elect a stable government; easier to kick it out.
  4. @acoyne FPTP = accelerating rewards/punishments for shifts in voter support. A feature not a bug. Bloc vote -50% since 93, seat count -90%
  5. @acoyne What's 1 person 1 vote? AV, STV, electing PM on one national ballot, or redrawing electoral map so all constituencies have same pop?
  6. @acoyne FPTP doesn't give wildly disproportionate weight to different votes. Electing MPs in constituencies w/ different populations does.
  7. @acoyne FPTP provides for 1 person 1 vote, with the person who gets the most votes in a constituency winning.
  8. @acoyne Yes. In better days, to defend the legitimacy of institutions that gave us centuries of ordered liberty would be called conservatism
  9. Yes, but FPTP has worked for centuries. Why replace w/ an untested math formula? RT @scbritton: pros and cons to all systems including FPTP
  10. I guess the 2nd preference on the AV vote failed to carry #yes2av over the top.
  11. You and I would have fought on opposing sides during the French Revolution RT @Simon_Gardner: @avelshi FPTP is the stability of dictatorship
  12. Under your logic, anything short of direct democracy is the same thing. RT @Simon_Gardner: @avelshi: FPTP is the stability of dictatorship.
  13. Implicitly, AV/STV question the very legitimacy of our parliamentary system. Defences of FPTP strengthen the legitimacy of our institutions.
  14. Anything short of direct democracy fails your test RT @ibushfield: @avelshi Very unclear how disproportionate voting systems are democratic.
  15. Chaos around the world vs centuries of political stability at home RT @Simon_Gardner: @avelshi FPTP doesn't work.
  16. I may sound like an 18th c. conservative, but AV/STV are math formulas divorced from human experience, FPTP is our inheritance & it works.
  17. Congrats to my UK friends who worked hard to achieve today's important result for parliamentary tradition, common sense and, yes, democracy.
  18. Heading off to Vegas for June 4 weekend w/ my good friend @freedthinking from Forbes. Will advise of any Ruth Ellen Brosseau sightings.