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  1. RT @Alex_Panetta: Well, isn't this fascinating; Parti Quebecois memberships selling like hotcakes since federal ...
  2. Off to enjoy 3 days off tweeps. See you on the other side.
  3. @SweetSheil :))
  4. @kennepat Have fun!
  5. It's a bit weird to get recognized by the pharamcist.
  6. @lindseywiebe HA! Sorry....Didnt mean to invade the dream!!
  7. Ok, now I KNOW this is a faker. RT @BrosseauNDP: @RosieBarton Love ya' babe! #NDP
  8. @TomCParkin Yeah, politics is a rough business.
  9. I have got my tracking ball in order wondeful twitterverse! I shall not miss a moment of your wit. Or the other stuff.
  10. @Patrick_Gaebel Thank You!!!
  11. Ok. So @kady warns me that "seized" message might again be a fake. Gosh. NDP get a handle on these fake handles will ya?
  12. My new Bold scrolls too quickly. I can barely see all your witty tweets!
  13. RT @BrosseauNDP: Please disregard all previous messages from this account. It was not an official page. It has been seized by the #NDP.
  14. Good grief. It's summer outside!
  15. This bear can't be poked.
  16. @BrianBanks thanks...:)
  17. I'm concerned we won't hear from @kady again given new Playbook. Or, we'll hear from her ALL THE FREAKING TIME!
  18. You taped it! RT @jenditchburn: Here's the video of our little chat with #PMSH on the street in Ottawa. #cdnpoli