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  1. @chawlitdaemon the morning of op Geronimo, army had probably taken out the parts they wanted as they let ppl take pieces scattered around.
  2. @jenanmoussa I mean the local mosque closest to the compound - I believe it is called Abdullah mosque?
  3. The OBL compound is still off-limits to journalists. I bet they can make some local friends and go with a phone cam.
  4. @SaqibReports It is good to be able to share one's perspective - after the dozen phonecalls per minutes phase is over.
  5. A few more minutes of being a media puppet. This time, from the twitter website. Typing away :-/
  6. @jenanmoussa According to some rumors, 'Khan' is what they called the anonymous guy who joined the friday prayers in the mosque nearby #obl
  7. @stevenstimpson Yes, Abbottabad (and my life) is almost back to normal. 4:15 AM here, birds chirping and flying around. The organic kind.
  8. RT @Rhaptis: @jenanmoussa @akhbar @ReallyVirtual why is obl gas bill news worthy? << Because the media is running out of raw material?
  9. @XIApk @abidifactor @rawahk @Emransarwar @nzoha @ijayqureshi This discussion requires an IRC room, tweets are barely enough for all the @ s
  10. RT @MattAlbie60: Studio 60 colleagues: Thinking about topping our Abbottabad show has sent me over the edge <<< Kill two more Osamas? :-)
  11. @abidifactor So our media can't trace and talk to any of the 200 eyewitnesses (according to this guy) of the helicopter crash. Nice :-)
  12. @abidifactor CIA agent? dude, seriously? :-) #Pakistan #USA #India
  13. @Swagger311 Americans are already walking freely in the Abbottabad neighborhoods.
  14. @Byrds58 Pakistan is NOT in the Middle East, we are in the South Asia region. Middle East is used to associate Pakistan with the Arab world.
  15. Back to blogging
  16. @ankit_sharmank Their gory 'news' images are one of the reasons I don't have a TV - not something one can sit and watch with his child.
  17. Perhaps the Int'l media is being told to leave so that the local media people can do what our rulers are so good at.
  18. @DTownWingNut They did not bother me for the first few days, probably until they saw the Urdu version via Reuters.