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  1. @scottygumz @DeAngelisMark Don't worry guys...I got this one...da da da da da da da da MOTORIN'!!!!! #youarewelcome
  2. @brifro ShawSHARK Redemption #TotallyAwesomeGameTitles
  3. @captainpearson Alice thinks a lot of things.
  4. @captainpearson Get back to work.
  5. Oh ya...THE SOAPS is on at 9. Not 8pm @comedybar. Thanks @batesbot9000. When are you coming back on the show? #FindADamnBabySitterandComeOut
  6. Check out @THE SOAPS @comedybar tonight at 8pm. Intrigue and lust and I'll probably spit a drink in @scottygumz's face. What's not to love?
  7. @mcashe did we just become best friends? do you want to go do karate in the garage?
  8. @mcashe I watched that today too! #BestMovieEVER
  9. @DaleBoyer @glennsumi Best one...Spit gets out most food stains. Eat spaghetti and wear white shirts all you want, guys.
  10. @glennsumi No problem. Stain Removal is my life. Also, white wine gets out red wine. #BestThingIKnow
  11. @glennsumi The internet says use tape to lift it & then rub the stained part with a clean part. Or sit in the sun. #obsessedwithstainremoval
  12. @camelattack Easter Parade on TMC in 20 minutes.'re gonna love it. #SorryIMadeYouMissTheGoalWhileITalkedAboutEasterParade
  13. Can someone please come over tomorrow and cut my hair. At this point, I don't even care if you do a good job. #HowAmINotDeadYet?
  14. Come check out #THEATRESPORTS @comedybar tonight at 8. #Jesus might be there. It's the one day this weekend he's not doing anything. #easter
  15. Hey Taxes...You're MY bitch now.
  16. @Mark_Forward Four Words...Blow Jobs for Followers? #AlsoTheNameOfMyNewAlbum
  17. @MSiddiqi CONGRATS Maryam!!! I can't wait to see it!!!
  18. Hey @jameshartnett and @captainpearson thanks for the #FFs. l miss the room already.